Devices like this are simple ad-on's to your basic program of power point. However, the beauty of CRD's is it allows each student to submit an answer via their handheld device, track their individual answers, compare their answers to their peers, allowing the teacher to check for all student's learning while the student gets to maintain anonymity.
Click on the link below to go to a specific clicker to see the perks! Very lightweight, easy to use and set-up without requiring a lot of maintenance.
Turning Technologies is a good website for different types of technologies that could be used in the classroom.
These are different types of clickers available for students. Our school has the first type in the list. They are VERY easy to use and the application to power point is simple!
Another type of a similar device is also called a Classroom Response System (CRS).
These types of devices can be used at every level of education as well as every subject. I use the devices when I want to check for understanding with in a unit, after a new topic is taught, for quizzes, for review and surveys. The kids absolutely love it!
These devices are not cheap. Often however, these student clickers are offered as part of a textbook adoption option. There are ways to get them! Don't forget the money available in technology grants all over the country that go unclaimed every year. Once you have them, you need to make sure there are clear procedures that kids can follow to maintain the "health" of these devices.
Below is a link to a teacher's testimonial of her experiences with CRD's.
Great technology! I know we have something similar to this at the middle school where I teach, but I didn't realize how versatile they could be. Thanks for sharing this!
ReplyDeleteThis is an interesting addition to the classroom. Our group discussed the use of texting in the classroom. These handheld devices seem to be somewhat similiar. The more we can bring in technologies that the students are familiar with, the better chance we have to engage them. Good idea!
ReplyDeleteOur school district uses a type of these in one of the buildings. While I have never had the opportunity to use them I think they seem like an awesome idea! With student's love of texting I think this would fit right in with their interests as well as be almost like a game to answer questions in class. :)